May I walk my student to class?
Only parents of PreK & Kindergartners will be allowed to walk their students to class on the first day of school only.
Is there bus service to/from RSE?
Bus service is provided for students who live in the Rosamond-Sherley Elementary attendance zone. Please direct any bus questions to our transportation department at 972.924.1800, or visit annaisd.org. Transportation registration is mandatory for every bus rider each year.
Can I show up and remove my child from the bus?
No, call before 3:00 pm to make changes to your students' transportation. Our bus drivers must follow policy and are not permitted to release students prior to their designated bus stop.
Can I purchase extra car stickers or family number cards?
Absolutely, if you are on the student's emergency contact list and have permission to pick up! Family number cards are $1 and car stickers are $3.
The enrolling parent/guardian has permission to add and delete anyone on their student's emergency contact list, as well as give them permission to pick up the student. If the person is not on the list, the student will not be leaving with them. For safety measures, we have to have a written note that morning or add them on the emergency pickup list, so that they may pay for a family number card/car sticker.